How to Use Team Dashboard?

Go to the left-side menu click on your profile and then select ‘Team’.

This will open your Team Dashboard.

Enter the email ID of the person you want to invite to the team and click on ‘Invite/Add Team Member’.

The submitted email ID will receive an invitation, and the receiver/invitee has to accept it to access the dashboard.

You have the authority to assign projects to the invitees as well as revoke them. You can also give your team members either read-only access or full access.

What happens when you give read-only access?

The invitee(s) will be allowed to only read (view) the report and study it. They will not have permission to make any changes to the assigned project, such as adding/disabling keywords, stopping a project, etc.

What happens when you give full access?

When you provide full access to a project to an invitee(s), they can not only view the report but make changes to it as well. He/she is authorized to add/disable keywords, stop a project, etc.

Keyword & Mention Quota Limit to the Invitee(s)

You can assign a keyword limit and a new mention quota limit to the invitee(s) projects. WebSignals will stop tracking new mentions once the limit is reached. Also, the invitee can NOT add more keywords than the limit specified by the inviter.

Note: The assigned keyword limit and a new mention limit for the invitee(s) will be utilized from your quota.

Click here to watch the video tutorial of Team Dashboard.