Once you log in to your WebSignals account, you’ll be asked to enter your ‘Project Name’ and ‘Keywords’.
On the left side of the screen, you will find quota details related to your current plan - how much you’ve utilized and how much do you have.
If you have added a project and keyword already and wish to add a new one, go to the left-side menu and click on the ‘+’ icon next to the project where you want to add the keyword.
Enter your project name and keywords for mention monitoring. Press ‘enter’ after specifying each keyword to add it to the project. You need to add at least one keyword to add a project.
Note: As you add new projects or keywords, your quota details will change simultaneously.
Now, switch to ‘Advanced’ settings to specify the sources on which you want to track the mentions for each keyword.
By default, all the sources are selected. You can de-select the ones that you don’t want WebSignals to monitor. Click on ‘Save’ to submit your personalizations.
Once you click on ‘Save’, you will be redirected to your dashboard where WebSignals will only list your selected sources for mention monitoring.
Note: Your quota will be utilized only for monitoring mentions on your selected sources.
IMPORTANT. Your quota will exhaust based on the popularity of your entered keyword. For example, when you add a keyword with a high search volume, your quota will drain quickly.
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